...I hear they are still irking
The hemorrhoidal masses
With the soft sleazy shit of creationism...
...only in Merkin would anybody
Try to pass for science
A stupid belief
Garnered from an old book of idiocies
Written by bloodthirsty witlings...
...everywhere else in the “free” world
(Free from religious mumbo-jumbo)
All those turdsucking creeps
Would be laughed out of office
And maybe with any luck
If not jailed right away as they should
For cheating the public
Robbing them of their only shreds
Of dignity
At least temporarily committed to some asylum
For crazies...
...only in Merkin
Whose politicians are lousy fleas
In a discarded mangy merkin
Would anybody waste
Time and money passing that
Stone that chokes the neck
Of those that are drowning
That dead deadly dud
That makes them sink lower
And more hopelessly down into
The hell by them themselves created
(Always helped by a creating god
Of hells uncountable...)
...and the “audience”
With their swill-swallowing mouth
Eager it seems for more shit
font de totes les delícies, ausades, jotfot
02 d’agost 2004
1. pitiful
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